Instructions:Think you might have panic disorder? This questionnaire, designed to gauge the intensity and frequency of your panic attacks and related anxiety and avoidant behavior, will help you find out. Looking at it, I'm thankful I'm no longer in a place where all of my answers are all out at the life-is-hell end of the spectrum, in a world of "extremely distressing," "extreme, incapacitating impairment," and "extensive modification of my lifestyle was required."
Several of the following questions refer to panic attacks and limited symptom attacks. For this questionnaire we define a panic attack as a sudden rush of fear or discomfort accompanied by at least 4 of the symptoms listed below. In order to qualify as a sudden rush, the symptoms must peak within 10 minutes. Episodes like panic attacks but having fewer than 4 of the listed symptoms are called limited symptom attacks. Here are the symptoms to count:
* Rapid or pounding heartbeat * Chest pain or discomfort * Chills or hot flushes * Sweating * Nausea * Fear of losing control or going crazy * Trembling or shaking * Dizziness or faintness * Breathlessness * Feelings of unreality * Fear of dying * Feeling of choking * Numbness or tingling
Score 8 or higher? You may have panic disorder. Leave your score in the comments if you dare...
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